
横山博プリペアド・ピアノ・リサイタル ジョン・ケージ《ソナタとインターリュード》全20曲 演奏会

1949年1月11日、M.アジェミアンによって《ソナタとインターリュード》が初演されて以来、様々なピアニストがこの曲のプリパレーションを研究、熟考し演奏を行なってきた。横山博さんは今回、可能な限り作曲当時に近い形、つまり、ケージが用いた小型スタインウェイ・ピアノでその響きをよみがえらせようとする。これは、バロック音楽を演奏する際に原典版楽譜に則り、ピリオド楽器で演奏するということを思い起こさせる。鍵盤楽器の歴史的奏法を学んだチェンバリストでもある横山さんの、独自の観点から実現されていく演奏は興味深い。  井上郷子(ピアニスト、国立音楽大学教授)


■ 当日配布パンフレットより



—————————— 横山博




 ジョン・ケージは1949年の文書で、「ソナタとインターリュードに好ましいピアノは、Steinway Mです」と述べています。このMというモデルはフルコンサートピアノではなく、スタインウェイが販売するピアノの中では奥行き170cmと、かなり小さなグランドピアノです。両国門天ホール所蔵のピアノはこのSteinway Mです。プリペアド・ピアノでは、ピアノの寸法と、音色、そして音高までもが深く結びついています。大きなグランドピアノ、また、他社のピアノでは、ケージの望んだ音をプリペアすることは実質不可能と言えます。つまり、スタインウェイ以外のピアノにプリペアする場合、弦の長さが足りない、長すぎる、ピアノのフレームが邪魔をして、ケージが指定した位置に挟み込めないという現実的問題が起こります。












Steinway as a Period Instrument

Hiroshi Yokoyama


  A prepared piano is a technique in which a pianist inserts bolts, screws, rubber, etc. between the strings of a grand piano in advance to make the piano sound like bells, drums, etc., and a single piano can produce a variety of tones like a percussion ensemble or gamelan.

 “The preferred piano for sonatas and interludes is the Steinway M," John Cage wrote in 1949. This model, M is not a full concert piano, but a rather small grand piano with a depth of 170 cm among the pianos sold by Steinway. The piano in the Ryougoku Monten Hall(Tokyo) collection is this Steinway M. In the case of a prepared piano, the dimensions of the piano, its tone, and even its pitch are deeply connected. It is virtually impossible to prepare the sound Cage wanted on a large grand piano, or any other piano. In other words, there are practical problems when preparing for non-Steinway pianos: the strings are not long enough, they are too long, or the frame of the piano is in the way and cannot be inserted in the position that Cage specified.

 I usually play harpsichord and clavichord. I have no qualms about arranging the inside of the instrument, as tuning and string replacement are routine maintenance. The clavichord's fine and mysterious tone comes from the metal-to-metal contact. Of course, I never thought of it as damaging to the instrument.

 Regarding the shift pedal (the left pedal on a grand piano), Cage reported after publication that "the movement of the shift pedal should be adjusted so that the hammer strikes the second and third strings, not all three. The current Japanese pianos are manufactured at the factory. Current Japanese pianos are often not set up to strike two strings when they are shipped from the factory. In most cases, the shift pedal is supposed to "soften" the tone of the piano. But here it is a device that changes the "number" of strings that sound, similar to the mechanism that manipulates the tone of a harpsichord or pipe organ.


“I decided on the material for the preparation as if I were walking along the beach looking for a shell with a shape I liked.”


 The sound of a bolt is similar to the sound of a temple bell in Japan or a church bell in Europe. The sound of a screw, which is often used in the upper register, is sparkling like an iron fiddle (glockenspiel). The sound produced by the elastic rubber mute is similar to that of a wooden fish(Mokugyo).

 Unlike instruments made by historical instrument makers, which contain many natural materials and have different shapes and tones, modern pianos, which are industrial products, use metal parts such as bolts and screws as basic materials. The Copernican Revolution of inserting these parts into the piano wire and changing the tone produced by the wire (even if it was a coincidence) has shaken our understanding of the piano as an instrument. The idea of the prepared piano was both an intervention and an objection to the perfected instruments of industrial society.

 When modern pianos are tuned, the first thing the tuner does is to adjust the note in La(A) to 440-442 Hz. However, there is nothing inserted in the La tone that appears in the left thumb of the closing section of Sonata No. 16, so it does not sound like a bell, but a normal piano La tone. It is up to the pianist to decide how many times to play that La note that is written in.


 “The sound of church bells is reminiscent of Europe. The lingering, drum-like sound is oriental. The last sonata in the collection, No. 16, is unquestionably my signature composition as a 'Westerner'.”



ジョン・ケージ「ソナタとインターリュード」全20曲 小型スタインウェイピアノ使用東京初公演

典雅な演奏を至近距離で聴けた しかもその後事前申込制でプリペアドピアノを弾かせて貰えるという充実した貴重な機会


本日の横山博の至近距離生演奏は典雅で クラヴィコードでバロック以前の曲聴いているような心地良さだった

本日の横山博の演奏は 打楽器アンサンブル的でもガムラン的でもホケット的でもなく クラヴィコード的だった ネジでプリペアドされた高音域が適切なタッチで演奏され特に美しかった

ケージのプリペアドの指定の仕方はダンパーから何インチの位置に何々を挟めというもので ピアノのサイズにより弦分割の割合が変わってしまい音高も変わってしまう筈 





J. Y @j_y_suis